This is going to be a short post, but I still wanted to share. I believe this is a topic that a lot of us struggle with today, especially during this time that everybody has an opinion, and everyone believe that they are right. What is communication?
According to Google, Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information or news.
I like the BusinessDictionary definition better. Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places.
      I don’t think I can emphasize how important it is for us to have a good communication skill, or even endeavor to learn good communication skills. So many conflicts that we face in our day to day relationships with people could have and can be easily avoided with good communication. Notice my emphasis on GOOD communication. The biggest part I have seen a lot and that I had to work on and still working on is the idea that communication is one-sided. I was so good at just speaking my mind, without caring for what the person I was talking to was thinking or feeling, if I have made my point I was good. When in fact communication is supposed to invite me into the other party world or view and vice-versa.  
Which also leads me to the other part, for a good communication to happen both parties must be good listeners. You cannot just talk and not listen. What works for you may not or might even be an abomination to the other person. So, to understand each other you must LISTEN to each other. See where he/she is coming from. Get the bigger picture, understand the context and don’t just jump to conclusion. 

And you don’t always have to agree with the other person but LISTEN and respect their opinion. And this also leads me to the next part.

If you are not clear about something at any point in time in your discussion, WAIT till the other person is done talking and ASK QUESTION!!! Don’t just assume what they might be saying and start concluding in your head. Open your mouth and ask questions.

Last but not the least. Communication is actually an action word in case you didn’t get the memo. So, it requires you to do, talk. OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND TALK, if something is bothering don’t just assume someone have sensed it, we are not all psychologist heck even psychologist ask question to know exactly what/how you are feeling. So, SPEAK UP, SAY SOMETHING.

This was supposed to be short, so I’ll stop here. To be continued. Peace.


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